SPOTLIGHT: ‘Poof…’ by Jason Fisk

Lights, Camera…

The family surrounded the dinner table
Diggory sat under the fluorescent light
He looked up at the loud bulb
and wondered what made it buzz

Three weeks had passed
and no one had noticed
that he’d cut himself out
of the family

If you look around… he said

Everyone stopped
surprised that he spoke

Go on… his mother said

If you look around …
you’ll notice that I’ve cut myself out
of all the family photos

His mother looked around
Got up and took a nervous lap
around the apartment

You’ve ruined the family, she said

Surely you don’t mean that, Mom, Mallory said

I only mean that he ruined the family
photos, she said

Diggory sat there staring at the wall

How am I going to replace all those photos?
What am I going to do? she asked

Maybe … nothing, Diggory said
and put soggy broccoli
in his mouth
with a fork

Up in Smoke

Diggory’s father knocked
on the pantry door
Diggory wasn’t there
he was showering
His dad flipped the mattress
up against the wall
stepped into the pantry
and grabbed his box
of Lucky Charms
He ate like a child
No one else in the house
dared touch his Lucky Charms

When he sat the red box
on the table
he noticed a dark smoke seeping
from the gaps
of the flaps
of the cereal box

He put his hands behind his back
and walked around the table
hunched over
thoroughly examining
the box

He stopped
and held his hands close
to see if it was hot

It wasn’t

He opened it and saw
a thick smoke hanging
inside the box
but there was no flame
There was no fire

The smoke didn’t smell
It was more like a vapor cloud
than smoke

When he squeezed the sides of the box
it coughed the dark vapor
into the air

It dissipated
as he waved his hands
through it

When he looked inside
he saw the cut-out
pictures of Diggory
mixed with his cereal

The pictures were somehow
and emitting
an opaque cloud
of ruin and mystery

He ran the box under the faucet
and threw the waterlogged
cereal box into the garbage

It landed with a soggy thud 

He Needs Help

Diggory heard hushed mumblings
from the other side
of his parent’s bedroom door
He stopped and put his good ear
against the door

I found the pictures, Digory’s father said

What pictures? his mother asked

The pictures Diggory cut out, he said
I found them

Where? his mother asked

He stuffed them inside my cereal box
They were burnt or something
He needs help

I called his pediatrician
and she gave me a number
but we can’t afford it
so I called her again
and she gave me the number
for the health department’s
mental health division
but they have a four-month waitlist
The doctor suggested
that we let his school know
Sometimes they can help
They have social workers
who can meet with the kids

Did you sign him up? his father asked

Of course I did, she said

When’s dinner? he asked

I’m going to make it now, she said
and opened the door

She saw Diggory standing there

Nothing is wrong with me, he said
I don’t want to talk to the social worker

Well… she started to say

He put his hoodie up
walked to his little room
and put his shoes on
for his displaced diner walk 

The Intercom

The school intercom hissed to life

Will Diggory Riven report to the main office, please
Diggory Riven…

Giggles and chuckles bubbled from the class
Diggory hated that his classmates laughed
every time they heard his name
He wanted to disappear
He stood up from his desk
to make sure it was okay
with the teacher
and then walked to the office

What could they want?
Is everything okay at home?
Did I do something wrong?
What’d could I have done?

He entered the office
head full of anxious questions

Diggory? the receptionist asked

Yes, he said

Mrs. Peterson
the social worker
would like to see you, she said.
Do you know where her office is?

Yes, Diggory said

And on his walk down to her office
he began to piece it all together
and felt an overwhelming
amount of
his mother

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