SPOTLIGHT: The Sticky Note Alphabet by Beth Gulley

Black Hole

I cradle my phone at this late hour
and hope that the right words come
to keep the moon and stars afloat.

I recently learned that black holes
feast or fast, and our galaxy has one
that is presently fasting.

If our black hole wakes up hungry
and gobbles all our sentences,
will any of my words have mattered?

January 8, 2021

Stolen Hour

Somewhere in the afternoon
I stole an hour for myself.
I ran with it down
the Indian Creek trail
and tried to drown it
in Paul Simon records.
Eventually, I let it go
and returned to work
until long after the sun quit.

January 11, 2021

Highlights and Underlines

I flip through a book I’ve read before.
Each little mark and wrinkle jogs my memory.
Yes, I remember I was drinking coffee
when I first read Merton’s words
“To place your faith in visible things
is to live in despair.”
And of all the words in the chapter,
these are the words that gave me pause.
The highlights and underlines
are a road map to my memory.
Visible as they are.

January 12, 2021

The Worshipper to My Left

The worshipper to my left
plans to win Gods ear
by completing all the response
and prayers a half step ahead
of the congregation.

The child in the pew ahead
feels warm and wants to
take his sweatshirt off.
His shirt comes with it
before his mother sees.

This morning the priest
speaks of Nineveh
how God forgives
let’s us start again.
Today, we all need a reboot.

January 24, 2021

The Sticky Note Alphabet

The sticky note alphabet is infinite
unlike the QWERTY Keyboard.

Yet the urgent messages
written there–always concise.

Dad to hospital.
Dinner in the fridge.

January 31, 2021

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